Thursday, March 21, 2013

An Ordinary Life Touched by an Extraordinary God – Part 26

As Paul Harvey always said, “Here’s the rest of the story." Well, here's the rest of the story of my 50+ years with ovarian cancer.

My oldest brother, Walt, died of lung cancer in 2009. He and I had long phone conversations before he died because of my experience with cancer. We exchanged ideas; we learned about alternative remedies that might help each other. However, nothing helped him and he’s now joined those who’ve gone before us in heaven.

He did, however, get me interested in an herbal tea developed by an Englishman named Jason Winters who set out to find a cure for cancer when he was diagnosed as terminally ill.  So I decided to give it a try — again couldn’t hurt and might help. Sir Jason Winters survived his bout with cancer and lived a long and full life before passing away from natural causes in old age.

I’ve been drinking the tea now for four years on a daily basis. Since I’ve been religiously taking the PH Balance pills for even longer, I felt no ill effects from the cancer but a PET scan in 2009 revealed that cancer remained in my body. A PET scan is purported to give a definitive answer about whether cancer is in one’s body or not. It uses a radioactive solution that is injected into the veins and thus travels to every part of the body following which x-ray pictures are taken and these tell the tale.

In January 2011, my doctor, who I avoid seeing unless I absolutely have to, insisted I pay her a visit. Now, I like Dr. Chang. She’s nice, courteous and understanding. I just don’t like doctor visits. On this particular visit she grilled me about my cancer history and how I was doing. I, of course, told her I was fine and since any and every doctor I’d ever seen about the cancer had no answer except surgery, chemo or radiation of which I’d tried all three with no results at all, I’d given up on any help from doctors.  She took this news with grace but said to me, “It's been two years since your last PET scan, so let's do another one and see where we’re at.”
Easy for her to say. It’s me that gets the injection and then put in an enclosed chamber for 20 minutes. I’m not usually claustrophobic but that tends to get to me. I agreed, though, as she insisted on it.

So on January 26, 2011, she called me and said, “the PET scan showed that you are free of cancer.”

I was so stunned and overwhelmed I didn’t even think to ask her to what she attributed this (at least to me) miracle. So I don’t know if it’s my clean living, my drinking the herbal tea or what. I give all the glory to God. Any healing, whether from a natural substance or the touch of His hand, comes from God. God is so good.

Thus ends my long journey and struggle with ovarian cancer. I can see from this vantage point God’s hand guiding and keeping me all the way. I said when I was first diagnosed back in 1961 that I wanted to live to raise my two precious children. I’ve lived long enough to raise them and send them out into the world; I’ve seen my three wonderful grandsons raised and helped some in the raising, and now I’ve seen two great-grandsons born and have a small part in their lives. It’s truly amazing!

Monday, January 14, 2013

An Ordinary Life Touched by an Extraordinary God – Part Twenty-five

One thing about me when I’m in ill health, it helps my prayer life. And I did a lot of talking to God about the pain I had. The only thing the doctor had to offer me for the pain was opiod pills like Vicodin or even Oxycontin. But I refused to take them; they make me sleepy, my mind fuzzy and I knew there had to be a better way.

One night as I slept peacefully, the pain awoke me. It felt like my side was on fire. I got out of bed unable to sleep any longer and turned on the TV. I knew Daystar, during the wee hours of the morning, ran beautiful nature scenes with Scripture superimposed on them and lovely hymns playing softly in the background. It couldn’t soothe the pain but it soothed my mind. And I prayed. This was my prayer: “Oh Lord, please help me find a way to deal with this pain or take me home. I just can’t live this way any more. I know there’s got to be an answer. Please, please help me find a way to be rid of this pain for once and for all.”

Did you know God hears our every prayer and feels our pain and sorrows? He does.

As I sat there rocking and watching the beautiful scenes, they soon came to an end. Too impatient to wait to see what would come on next I flipped through the channels. A scene on one station caught my attention. Two men sat, one interviewing the other. I quickly figured out it was an infomercial but I tuned into their interesting conversation. One of the men said, “It’s important to keep your pH balance at the optimum level. Being too acidic causes disease and the same goes for being too alkaline. Finding the balance is important for good health.”

Well, I knew I had an acidic stomach as it constantly caused me problems. I knew this, too, because my father had had the same problem.  I thought perhaps I should check this out, my philosophy being—can’t hurt and might help. The next day I found a website that offered PH balance pills—actually I found several websites but in looking them over decided on one that appeared more professional and hopefully reliable. I sent away immediately for the strips they suggested you start with to find out where your PH level stood.

As soon as the test strips arrived I checked my PH level and found, as I had suspected, I fell on the lowest end of acidic. I sent away then for a bottle of the pills they advertised would balance my PH level. When the pills arrived I began taking eight pills a day; two in the morning, two at noon, two at dinnertime and two before bed. In about two weeks my pain went away! And as long as I took the pills regularly I was pain free. I’ve reached the conclusion that the men from whom I got this information were wrong about keeping one’s PH level balanced avoided disease. But it is important for good health.

I also felt astonished, humbled, and grateful to the Lord my God. I knew He’d answered my prayer beginning the very night I cried out to Him.

Next time I write, I’ll tell you the rest of the story.