We all have a pet peeve of some kind or other. Something that’s not earthshaking in the whole scheme of things but is irksome nonetheless. Here’s mine.
Did you ever get an email that said—at the end—“you must send this to 10 of your best friends, including me, your very best friend, make a wish and your wish will come true?” Or it might order, “say this prayer, send it to 10 friends and your prayer will be answered.” You get the idea and you’ve probably received similar emails.
Really, I don’t mind cute or charming or lovely or spiritual or even humorous emails appearing in my inbox. I know someone is thinking of me even if ever so briefly. But I do mind the inane endings with a command to pass it on. In fact on occasion, I’ve—after hitting the forward button—deleted the offending words because I don’t want to obligate my dear friends. Plus I don’t believe in luck, good or bad (although if there is such a thing, my luck’s usually bad) and I believe my prayers are heard and attended to by God even if I—gasp!—fail to follow the email instructions.
If you happen to be one of those friends I highly treasure and who sends me emails, please don’t take me off your list. Okay? I enjoy them usually, really I do. But you may as well know I will pass them on only to those I think will appreciate them and to whom they may apply whether it’s to 2, 7 or even 12 people. And I hope your luck doesn’t run out and all your prayers get answered. You should know, though, that the one prayer that is ALWAYS answered is, “Thy will be done.”
I’ve revealed my pet peeve; what’s yours? Leave a comment and let me know.